Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Discussion question for 1 Timothy 1:1-7

I am beginning a new Bible study in the book of 1 Timothy. Here are some of the discussion questions we will be considering during our Wednesday study.

1 Timothy 1:1-7
Discussion Questions

1)      What is significant about Paul referring to God as Savior and Jesus as our hope in verse 1?
2)      In verse 2, Paul greets Timothy with grace, mercy, and peace. The addition of mercy is different from other greetings Paul makes. Why do you think he mentions mercy, and why might it be important in this letter?
3)      Who has authority to confront teachers of false doctrine? From where does Paul and Timothy’s authority to fight error come?
4)      What are some false doctrines or teachings we find in today’s church?
5)      What myths and genealogies are prevalent in today’s world? What myths and genealogies are found in today’s church?
6)      If we do not confront false doctrine directly and quickly, are we able to confront it later? How so?
7)      Is there a “time limit” in which to instruct someone in doctrinal error, or must we always confront with immediacy?
8)      When do we or when can we show love in the face of doctrinal error? When do we confront? Are there times to confront in love and other times when we must adopt a harder line?
9)      How do our actions/morals affect our doctrine?
10)  Is there a balance between right thought (orthodoxy) and right living (orthopraxy)? If so, what does that balance look like?
11)  Should we be concerned with false doctrine only if a teacher is teaching that error?
12)  If someone holds a false doctrine, but is not a teacher, do we allow time and instruction for that person to revise his/her doctrine?
13)  What does Paul mean by meaningless talk? How do we see meaningless talk in the church today?
14)  What false doctrine have you wrestled with in your Christian walk?
15)  How does your life exemplify a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith (verse 5)?

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