Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Cross and the Resurrection -- A Reflection

With Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday this week, I think it is a good time to reflect on what the cross and the empty grave mean. I am spending time this week focusing on these events and reading Scripture to direct my contemplation of Christ. There are so many things to distract us this week from spending time considering the most significant events to ever take place. What happens in the news this week pales in comparison to the magnificent news acted out 2,000 years ago.

            I need to be reminded regularly of the importance of Jesus’ death on the cross. He died for my sins, which are numerous. He died so that this finite being, who was at war with the Creator of the universe, could be forgiven of that rebellion and called a child of God. It gives me great pause to consider the cost Christ paid for me. I am so unworthy of His great mercy.

            As I read the Gospel accounts, I am always intrigued that the writers slow down the narrative during the Passion Week. Think about it. Much of the three years of ministry prior to the cross is written about with breakneck speed in a few chapters. But, when the Passion Week is written about, the narrative slows to a snail’s pace. And so much emphasis is given to the events of the week. From the triumphal entry, to the meal in the upper room, to the agony of the cross, the Gospel writers take time to deliberately set the scene. Should we not also take time to reflect on the scenes and consider their import? I try, as best as I am able, to set aside time for prayer and reflection on these events.

            When I look at the scene in the upper room, I consider the words of Jesus. Did he really have me in mind when he said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you”? Am I humble like Jesus, who washed the feet of His disciples? How would I have felt if the Lord of the Universe bowed down and washed my feet? What must it have felt like to be present in the room as Judas makes the final decision to betray the one he has followed for all this time?

            I turn to look at the events in the Garden of Gethsemane. How often am I like those trusted disciples who cannot stay awake for a short time while Jesus goes to pray? Am I, like those disciples, so oblivious to the enormity of what is happening near them? Would I be able to recognize as the weight of the world and the forces of evil become centralized in this one location? I begin to see the agony that Jesus will soon experience in his prayer that the wrath of God be taken away from him. I wonder if, knowing what Jesus knows will soon happen, I would be able or willing to take on such a burden for my friends or my Lord. I consider the raw emotion that must have been there when Judas and the guards arrest Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God.

            The clandestine, late night trials fill me with despair and anger at the injustice displayed on that night. I try to hear the mocking words that are directed at Jesus. And I think about the fact that he would soon die for some of those who were mocking him. I see the many times I betray Jesus in the actions of Peter, who fearfully denies knowing or walking with the Messiah. How many times, and in how many ways, do I too deny allegiance to Jesus? Yet, he journeyed to the cross and suffered physical death to bring Peter and me freedom and forgiveness! I hear the scoffing of King Herod. I see the confusion of Pilate, and sense his conflict with keeping peace in the region and his position within the Roman Empire.

            I hear the loud shouts of the crowd, “Crucify, crucify him!” If I were in that crowd, would I have said those same words? There is great injustice in the fact that Barabbas is set free and Jesus is condemned to die. But, is that not true of me as well? It is a great injustice that I am absolved of my sin and released from its penalty. When Jesus looked into the eyes of Barabbas, did he see me? Was there a passing moment in which Jesus let Barabbas know that he was doing this willingly for Barabbas? For me?

            While the narrative slows down at this point, the following events are also stated simply. Jesus is scourged. He is made to carry the cross to Golgotha. He is crucified. The words are simple, but the pain experienced in those simple words is so real. Honestly, I cannot comprehend the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain that would have taken place in those events. Can I know what that torture would have felt like? Can I know what it would feel like for all the force of Evil to be present in that one place in those hours? Can I grasp what the perfect unity of Father and Son felt like when it was severed at that time? And then Jesus offers pardon to a thief. I see myself in that thief, because I have stolen from Jesus the freedom that was rightfully his.

            “Father, forgive them.” Thank you, Jesus. Your words and action on the cross brings forgiveness to me and all who trust in Christ. “It is finished.” Silence. And then the earth shakes, the veil is torn, and the complete focus of all time and history is in this one moment.

            Yet, it seems so anticlimactic. He is placed in a tomb and guards are set before the place of burial. If that were the end, it would be so hopeless. But, that is not the end. After the silence and emptiness of the Saturday, the tomb is opened and the slaughtered Lamb is raised to life by God. It is now truly finished. Death no longer holds the trump card. Evil no longer claims victory. The path to forgiveness and reconciliation is now available through the one who is the way, the truth, and the life. The elect need not fear the second death. The atonement is complete; the forgiveness is complete; the reconciliation is whole and sweet. Jesus is exalted and lifted high and his name is glorified. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy 1:12-17

1 Timothy 1:12-17
Discussion Questions

1)      How does Paul describe his experience with Jesus? How is this comparable to other Scripture in which Paul describes the same experiences?

2)      In what ways does Paul lay out justification by faith in this passage? In what ways does Paul lay out salvation by grace in this passage?

3)      How does Paul’s walk with the Lord contrast with the false teachers, according to what we have already read in the first part of chapter 1?

4)      Paul has, up to this point, been directing Timothy how to handle the false teachers. Why is it important that Paul now pauses to tell his own story?

5)      In the previous passage (verses 8-11), Paul spoke about the law. How does this current passage relate to the previous passage? What is the link between the two passages?

6)      Paul says he acted ignorantly in unbelief (verse 13). Would this describe how all unbelievers act? How so?

7)      In what ways have you walked ignorantly? How did God work through your ignorance or unbelief to make Himself known to you?

8)      How does Paul contrast his character with the character of Jesus?

9)      Why does Paul explain that God has used him for God’s service? Is this how God uses everyone? How so?

10)  In what ways has Christ appointed you to service?

11)  Do you find it easy or difficult to submit to Christ and the service He has called you to? Why or why not? Do you see your story as similar to the story Paul presents here?

12)  Tell how Jesus has changed your life.

13)  What does verse 17 say about Jesus? How do you respond to what the verse says about Jesus?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy 1:8-11

Following are discussion questions for our Wednesday Bible study on 1 Timothy.

1 Timothy 1:8-11
Discussion Questions

1)      Paul claims that the law is good. In what ways has the law been instructive and good in your life?

2)      Paul also claims that the law must be used lawfully. What does he mean by this? How does a passage like Romans 7:7-12 help us understand what he means here?

3)      What is the relationship between the law and the gospel? How are they in accordance with each other (verse 11)?

4)      What are the pitfalls of relying on the law to the exclusion of the gospel? What are the pitfalls of relying on the gospel to the exclusion of the law?

5)      Does Paul give more credence to the gospel or the law in this passage? How so?

6)      For whom is the law written? Do you see a progression in Paul’s statement that the law is for the lawless and disobedient, the ungodly and sinners, the unholy and profane? Is there intentionality is using these descriptions?

7)      Is Paul making a case that there are some who are above the law or beyond the reach of the law?

8)      Paul uses more general descriptions (lawless and ungodly) followed by more specific descriptions (liars, perjurers). What is his purpose for using these descriptions?

9)      In what ways is the law laid down for you? Can you see your past in the descriptions of lawlessness Paul names? How has the gospel freed you from this past?

10)  What is contrary to sound doctrine? How is sound doctrine linked to the “glorious gospel” (verse 11)?

11)  Paul states that he has been entrusted with the gospel. Has God entrusted you with the gospel? How so? How do you proclaim the gospel?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hey, Christian, Get That Pouty Look Off Your Face

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

            Have you noticed all of the negative comments people are making today? It seems as if nobody has a pleasant thing to say. We gripe about anything and everything. We are unhappy about everything, and we let the world know about it.

            Recently, I posted this comment on Facebook: “Ever wonder why nothing goes right and the world is always against you? Take a look at your Facebook wall. If you consistently make personal posts that are negative, then you might be the one with the bad attitude and wrong perspective. It might be that those other people are feeding off of your sour (or sour grapes) disposition.”

            It is troubling to see all of the negative comments swirling around social media. There are times when I take breaks from social media. Sometimes I do this to spend more time with my family. Sometimes I do this because I feel I am spending too much time checking my Facebook or Twitter accounts (and I will likely take a tech break after posting this blog. You may enter your chosen emoticon here). But, sometimes I do this to escape the negative comments on those platforms. I am troubled that professing Christians often are the most negative.

            I can understand negative comments coming from someone who does not have a hope in Jesus. After all, some think that this is all there is to life, and after your last breath, you simply cease to exist. That sounds hopeless, and I can see a need for pessimism in that belief. But, the Christian is supposed to have his or her hope in Christ. He will raise you to be with Him eternally. So, if you truly believe that, why do you spew out so much pessimism and negativity?

            Christians will post beautiful wall photos or quotes that speak of the goodness of God. The photos speak of  hope and assurance found in Jesus. The quotes promise that God will lift up the brokenhearted and the downtrodden. Those are wonderful, uplifting things to share. But, when those quotes are followed by the personal sour posts, then your well-meaning and beautiful quotes prove meaningless. What you tell the world is, “Yeah, this is what I say I believe, but the truth is, I don’t really put my faith in this.” Is Jesus’ name uplifted when all people hear come from your mouth (or your posts) is despair, or finger-pointing?

            So, must be positive at all times? I don’t think so. There is a time and a platform for speaking of pain, or heartbreak, or fears. I even think that it is healthy to honestly address concerns and worries. I even appreciate a crusty old curmudgeon, or a lovable cynic. However, when our entire perspective is negative, then we need to seriously address what is going on in our lives and what we present to others. I know many people who experience great tragedy or chronic pain. Yes, they cry and wonder why. Many of these people also refuse to let that tragedy or pain rule them and define who they are. They choose to speak of the hope they have despite their present affliction.

It would be simple to say, “Fake it ‘til you make it,” meaning put a smile on your face and be positive until you don’t have to exert effort to do so. But, that is a simplistic approach. What we really need to is to look deeply into the recesses of our hearts and minds and ask tough questions. Why am I so negative? Do I honestly believe what I say I believe? If so, then why do I not trust in Jesus? Am I presenting hope or hopelessness to those around me? What is troubling me so much that I present a negative attitude? Is my witness tarnished by my negativity? These are real gut-check questions that you must consider.

            Hey, Christian, it’s time to take that pout off your face. Share the hope found in you. Be patient in affliction and joyful in hope. You are redeemed. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Discussion question for 1 Timothy 1:1-7

I am beginning a new Bible study in the book of 1 Timothy. Here are some of the discussion questions we will be considering during our Wednesday study.

1 Timothy 1:1-7
Discussion Questions

1)      What is significant about Paul referring to God as Savior and Jesus as our hope in verse 1?
2)      In verse 2, Paul greets Timothy with grace, mercy, and peace. The addition of mercy is different from other greetings Paul makes. Why do you think he mentions mercy, and why might it be important in this letter?
3)      Who has authority to confront teachers of false doctrine? From where does Paul and Timothy’s authority to fight error come?
4)      What are some false doctrines or teachings we find in today’s church?
5)      What myths and genealogies are prevalent in today’s world? What myths and genealogies are found in today’s church?
6)      If we do not confront false doctrine directly and quickly, are we able to confront it later? How so?
7)      Is there a “time limit” in which to instruct someone in doctrinal error, or must we always confront with immediacy?
8)      When do we or when can we show love in the face of doctrinal error? When do we confront? Are there times to confront in love and other times when we must adopt a harder line?
9)      How do our actions/morals affect our doctrine?
10)  Is there a balance between right thought (orthodoxy) and right living (orthopraxy)? If so, what does that balance look like?
11)  Should we be concerned with false doctrine only if a teacher is teaching that error?
12)  If someone holds a false doctrine, but is not a teacher, do we allow time and instruction for that person to revise his/her doctrine?
13)  What does Paul mean by meaningless talk? How do we see meaningless talk in the church today?
14)  What false doctrine have you wrestled with in your Christian walk?
15)  How does your life exemplify a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith (verse 5)?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Stewardship of My Body

“Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things.” 1 Timothy 4:7-8

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? … Therefore honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

            Potlucks. Ice cream socials. Sunday brunches. Fish fry. Does it ever end? One of the hallmarks of North American Christianity is fellowship over meals. In the movie “Field of Dreams” Kevin Costner’s character may have heard, “If you build it, they will come,” but in the North American church, we often hear, “If you feed them, they will come.”

            Like many people, I have seasons in which I eat well, and seasons in which I eat poorly. I have seasons in which I am physically active, and seasons in which I am sedentary. I have seasons in which I get proper rest and care for my body, and seasons when I don’t. Yet, as I have been considering stewardship issues, one of the concerns that I raise over and over again is one that we rarely consider – stewardship of our bodies.

            Yes, we know that our bodies are gifts of God. We know that we should treat them well and not misuse them. And we feel guilt or obligation to eat right, exercise, lose weight, etc. But why? That is a question that often is left unanswered. I recently heard Gary Thomas give an explanation for why on a Focus on the Family broadcast. Thomas said that we must be stewards of our bodies because if we add years to the body we have, we can add time to our ministries. I thought that was revealing and on point. We don’t want to lose weight just for sole purpose of feeling better about ourselves, do we?

            There are times when I feel like one of the Jews taken into captivity by the Babylonian king. You remember the story. Daniel and his friends are taken captive and led to Babylon. There, all of the Jewish young men, except for Daniel and his three friends, eat the king’s diet, which violated the Jewish food laws. Daniel and his friends ask to eat a different meal plan for seven days, at which time they are judges to be healthier than the rest of the group. It would be great to be Daniel. Instead, I feel like the rest of the group, sickly and unhealthy. I too often eat the king’s menu (sugars, processed food, soda, and other convenience foods). And, when the time comes to perform at peak levels, I am tired and unwell. What would my life and my ministry be like if I chose the more difficult path rather than the convenient path? How would I become a better steward of my time, talents, and body if I filled my physical body with the good foods God has provided?

            Last summer, I started the process of eating healthier. I decided that I would severely cut the amount of processed and refined sugars I consumed. Since that date, I have been more conscious of those foods I eat. I admit that I have not been as successful as I had hoped, but changing years of poor eating does take time. I have met some success, and I have for the most part greatly decreased my processed sugar intake. I have been able to limit sodas, and really, I can easily cut soda out of my diet. At times it has been difficult (and let’s be honest, costly) to find substitutes, but I think the effort has been worth it. I have felt more energy and I have, in general, felt healthier.

            Now it’s time for my next step. In addition to continuing to eliminate processed sugars from my diet, I also will start eliminating processed foods from my diet. That does mean that I have to wisely plan meals. That does mean that I will have to prepare some things beforehand. But, it is something that I feel compelled to do for a number of reasons. 1) I do want a healthy body to help further my ministry. 2) I want to set an example for my children that you can chose to eat and be healthy for the Lord. I also hope they learn that you can do difficult things with resolve. 3) I do want to be healthier so that I have more opportunity to watch my children grow up, get married (if they so choose), and start families of their own. I know that my life and the years of my life are not guaranteed. I know that changing eating habits will not guarantee a long life. But, it does increase the likelihood for a longer life in order to watch my children grow up, and launch their own lives.

            Now, if I could just tackle that exercise component. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Stewardship of Time

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” Matthew 25:21

            As Christians, we are called to be stewards. We have been entrusted with the care of the planet (Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:15), our finances, our resources, our bodies, the Word of God, the church of Christ, and our time. Jesus told the parable of the talents, explaining that those who properly use the resources given to them will receive the commendation, “good and faithful servant.”  I have been thinking a lot about the stewardship the Lord has entrusted to me. In doing so, I have been convicted about those ways in which I have squandered the “talents” entrusted to me, like the wicked and slothful servant Jesus describes further in the parable (Matthew 25:24-28). I want to spend some time considering some of the areas of stewardship God has placed in our hands, and also consider how I have failed to meet the call of stewardship, and suggest ways to best utilize the gifts God has given to us.

            I start with the stewardship of time, because it is possibly the easiest thing to squander. Today, we have so many things competing for our attention. And, we thus have so many things competing to take our attention away from the ministry God has set before us. I know that it is easy for me to become a servant to the urgent (or those things that may be perceived as urgent) and avoid doing those things which are best (or those things God has called me to do).

As a pastor, I have a lot of things vying for my attention. As the only staff member at my church, that can mean that a lot of things (many of them helpful things) fall into my lap. Sometimes, I allow too many of these to overwhelm me, waste my time, or strip me of doing my best. I also have a responsibility for a number of things that I cannot neglect. I must prepare and preach a sermon weekly. I must prepare a weekly Bible study. I must prepare a children’s Sunday school lesson. All of these tasks require preparation and concentrated study. However, it is easy to over prepare in these areas, to the neglect of other responsibilities. There are times when hospital calls, home visits, and phone calls are necessary. There are times when I must attend to counseling, sending e-mails, or cast vision. Add to these, the responsibilities I have to my family, and one can see how easy it would to get off track. Are there times when I spend too much time in one area, at the expense of others? Yes.

I find that I have one of two responses when the burdens of the pastorate are many. One, I try to do too much, and I succeed in doing everything, but not doing anything very well. Or two, I retreat from the responsibilities and create my own “to-do list” which includes those things I am inclined to enjoy or prefer. As I was preparing for a study on spiritual disciplines, I started thinking about how much time I waste in a given day. That time is wasted either by not being adequately prepared, or by being so overwhelmed by obligation, that I waste time considering  what thing I have to do at this moment. I realized that if I were a better steward of my time that I would be able to accomplish a significant amount more than I did. And I prayed that those things that I did accomplish would be the best things to do at that time.

This year, I determined to be far more proactive in planning out my work week. Yes, there will still be emergencies that call for immediate attention. But, as I better plan my work week, I should – in theory at least – have more time to devote to the emergencies as they arise. I also determined some of those things I would devote time to, and determined how much time I should devote to them. Once again, this should free me up to do more things, and more effectively. I have started planning (and writing down) the two main things I want to achieve each day. Some of these require great amounts of time, others are things I avoid because I don’t want to do them, but know I should. I have also tried to create a theme for each day. With this idea, I will not divide my time each day into a number of tasks, such as administrative, sermon prep, vision casting, home visits, working on technology, etc. Instead, each day is devoted to one of these areas.

            Here are some other things I am doing this year.

1)      I am limiting the number of books I read each month. I do need to read for professional enrichment. However, since I enjoy reading, I could avoid other important tasks by burying myself in one book after another. Once I have read my limit of books for the month, I will not read another until the next month comes. This frees my schedule to do many other things.

2)      I am setting aside scheduled time to read my Bible and to pray. I also have a structured plan to read through the Bible this year. This does not mean that I cannot read my Bible or pray at non-scheduled times, but it also means that I will be able to do both each day. Without a scheduled time, I found it too easy to skip one or the other. Or, I would let my other reading (which can be about biblical stuff) take the place of reading the Word.

3)      I am putting things in writing. Yes, it does take time to write. But, if I do not write things, I either think the same thoughts over and over, or I have to explain the same thing over and over. I often rehash thoughts because they have not been put into writing, thus misusing my time. I have found that if I write it in some form, I am able to let that matter rest. Also, I am writing more frequently so that I have an established forum to answer an issue. In the past, I would have to explain an issue more than once, often telling any number of people at different times, how I felt or what I believed was the way to pursue a concern. Doing this, I would often tell one person something that I neglected to tell someone else, or I just felt exhausted by the constant interaction. By writing it all down, I think my overall communication is better, and I should be able to make all the points I need to make at once.

4)      I am filtering out the time wasters. If it is something that has caused me distraction in the past, then I am limiting it or avoiding it altogether. Television, that means you. Worrying-about-things-outside-of-my-control, you’re also in my crosshairs. Facebook and Twitter, I apologize in advance for not checking on updates hourly (in fact, some days I may not look at you at all).

I already feel that I have accomplished more in the past month than I did in the three or four months that ended last year. And that is a good thing, because there are a great number of things I want to do with my time. And there are a great number of ways I want God to be able to use me for His ministry. One day, I pray He will say, “well, done my good and faithful servant. You have used the time I have given to you wisely.”

Friday, January 18, 2013

What's in a Name?

            We have all read Romeo and Juliet. In Shakespeare’s play, Juliet laments that her newly found love, Romeo, is a Montague, her family’s rival. In that famous scene, Juliet says, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But, is that true? Doesn’t our name mean something?

            Last night, much of America watched as cyclist Lance Armstrong admitted in an interview to Oprah Winfrey that he had knowingly taken performance enhancing drugs. This follows months of discussion in which Armstrong has been stripped of cycling titles and awards after evidence suggested that he did indeed take these drugs during his racing career. Armstrong has vehemently denied the charges, until last night.

            Although I did not watch the interview, I followed the comments and Armstrong quotes on Twitter. I am not a cyclist. But, I do feel invested in the story since Armstrong and I share a first name. We share little other than that name. We’re both Americans, and we’ve both been married to Sheryl Crow (well, maybe we only share a name and a national identity). But, in sharing a name, I am struck by the shame I feel carrying that name today. It used to be when someone would ask me my name, or how to spell my name, I would say, “My name is Lance, spelled like Lance Armstrong.” I doubt I will ask people to make the connection in future.

            As a Christian, I also have responsibility for the name I hold. As I identify myself as a Christian, I am identifying myself with Jesus the Christ. I am telling the world that I am a follower of Jesus, and the things I say and do must reflect that allegiance. When I act or speak in a way contrary to how a Christian should act or speak, I have maligned the name of my Lord.

            In the third commandment that God gave to the Hebrew people, God says, “You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain” (Exodus 20:7). Many people misunderstand or misinterpret this commandment to mean simply that we should not use the name of God as a curse word. But, God is calling us to have deepest respect and honor for who He is. And one of the greatest ways I can honor my God is by bringing honor to His name as I live my life with integrity daily. That means that I must do what is right, even when it hurts.

            Am I perfect in leading a life of integrity? Of course not. I slip and I do not always bring glory to God. But, living a life of truthfulness is one of the best ways to live a life of intentional integrity. I would guess the agony of years of deception weighed heavily on Armstrong’s mind and heart.

Last year, I experienced a similar weight. After attending the funeral of my wife’s grandfather, we were headed back to the airport to fly home. We were running short on time, but my wife wanted to quickly visit her great aunt. As we visited her and quickly went to the airport, I was unaware of the speed limit. Yes, a camera caught me speeding, and a couple of weeks later, we received a traffic ticket in the mail. No big deal. At the time, however, our finances were tight and there wasn’t a lot in our bank account. So I worried about paying the ticket. Unwisely, I told my wife I had paid the ticket when I had not. A little while later, we received another letter from the court, with my fine raised because of inaction. Unfortunately, I continued to deceive my wife. I don’t know why. It troubled me. Eventually, I paid the ticket at the higher fine. I had to come clean with my wife, telling her of my stupid action, and unable to really explain why I had acted in such a way. What hurt her most was a broken trust. And I could do nothing to assuage that hurt. The situation taught me a couple of great lessons. First, our choices are often misguided, and there is no clear reason why we act as we do. Second, it made me painfully aware that my integrity is easily damaged and, when it is, it takes a lot of time to repair that damage. And, finally, it taught me that I cannot take time off from being a person of integrity. There is too much at stake. Often, what is at stake is the sacred name of God.

            As difficult as it was to come clean with my wife, it was also freeing. I carried the burden of that lie for too long. I can imagine that Armstrong also feels the burden of deceit somewhat lifted from his shoulders this morning. I don’t want to stand above Lance Armstrong in judgment. He has made mistakes as I have made mistakes. His story, however, does offer me another example of how important it is to live with integrity and to honor Jesus as I carry His name with me daily.