Tuesday, February 7, 2012

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 31

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer each question. Here is the last question, and my answer.
1.      In what area of your life do you most need change, and what will you do about it this year? If I am brutally honest, the area that most needs change is my trust and reliance on Jesus. Please do not misunderstand. I do trust in Jesus, and I do rely on Jesus. But, my initial inclination is to trust and rely on myself and my abilities rather than turning first to Him. I see the temporary rather than the eternal. The fact is that during these 31 posts, I have outlined a plan for getting organized and prepared for the future. One of the great benefits of those plans is that I can trust in Jesus more. You see, when my world seems in chaos, I am more likely to seize the reins and try to direct the stagecoach. And I know that I should be able to fully rely on Jesus whether or not my world is in chaos. But, the honest truth is that stability does (for me anyway) lead to more dependence on Him. I also think that establishing these objectives and planning for the future honors Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that He is a God of order rather than chaos. So what can I do to more fully rely on Him. First, clear the clutter in my head, so that I can focus on Him. Second, turn to Him for direction in all things. Finally, trust in a God of Promise, who is unfailingly true to His word and His character. Some struggles over the past five years have made it clear to me that God is in charge even when it seems I cannot see His work. And If He has led through those times, I can trust that He will lead through future “challenges.” So with great earnestness, I place my life, my goals, my family, my all, in the trust and loving care of Jesus.

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 30

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided to answer each question. We're almost at the end.  Here is question thirty, and my answer.
1.      What's one new way you could be a blessing to your pastor (or to another who ministers to you) this year? Well, since I am the pastor I cannot be a blessing to myself. Haha. But, I can be a blessing to some of the congregation who are on our ministry team. I would like to take some of our key leaders out to lunch, or have them over for a meal at our house, in order to get to know them better and grow in friendship. Also, I feel a strong sense of being a mentor, so I would like to mentor some in church leadership who are willing to enter into such a relationship.

Monday, February 6, 2012

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 29

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer each question. Here is question 29, and my answer.
1.      If those who know you best gave you one piece of advice, what would they say? Would they be right? What will you do about it? I think those who know me best would encourage me to enjoy the moment, rather than worrying too much about the future. I can become overwhelmed by where I want to be, what I want my children to become, how I want to grow professionally to such an extent that I fail to enjoy the present. I find that I do not enjoy spending time with my kids as I should because I worry too much over character traits that I would like to grow or fix in them. I can forget to enjoy the here and now because I am thinking about the future too much. I am sure my closest friends would give me the advice that every parent has received: “Enjoy them while they are young, because in a blink of an eye, they’ll be all grown up and out of your house.” There is such truth in that advice. It is true for how I deal with my kids, and it’s true for how I should live my life generally. There is obvious value in planning and preparing for the future. But, if it becomes all-consuming (as it often becomes with me), then it is unhealthy. So, here’s to stopping and smelling the roses. Here’s to enjoying that spilled milk in the kitchen. Here’s too embracing that Kool-Aid stain on the carpet. Here’s to sitting down to let my daughter “make my dinner” from her play kitchen and shooting pucks at my son’s end-table goalie net.

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 28

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I would answer one question each day in January. So, it's February, and I'm still answering questions, I know, but I've almost reached the end. Here is question 28, and my answer.
1.      To what need or ministry will you try to give an unprecedented amount this year? I am not sure how to answer this question, yet. I recently read that the great English preacher C.H Spurgeon, in addition to being pastor of his church, was the director or on the board of 66 social or charitable organizations. I don’t know if he served on those concurrently, or if he served over the course of his lifetime. It did make me consider what kind of community impact I would like to have in my life. And, in recent weeks, I have become increasingly concerned with the poverty within my community. During this economic downturn, my town has been expecially hard hit with above-the-national-average unemployment. I receive calls for assistance from people on weekly basis. I would like to give in this area, but I am not sure how at this point. I do not want to duplicate effective efforts or programs already established in my city. So, I need to do more research on what resources are available in my town, and then either join in with one of these programs, or find a niche of my own.

Friday, February 3, 2012

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 27

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer one question each day in January OK, so it's February and I'm still answering. At least I tried. Here is question 27, and my answer.
1.      What one biblical doctrine do you most want to understand better this year, and what will you do about it? When I first read this question, I thought I would respond with the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. But, after some contemplation, I think I want to better understand the doctrine of last things. I have to admit that I am hesitant to forge into this doctrine because there have been so many who will look at end times passages and read into them what should not have been there. Everyone can think of abuses made by those who say they have the truest understanding of eschatology. And I do not want to be one of those who abuse the doctrine. But, I do think it is important to look at the doctrine biblically. I know that God gives us end times prophecy so that Christians can be assured that God is victorious and that His perfect will shall come to completion. I think He also gives us these prophecies so that we can persevere in spite of persecution. And since end times doctrine is so debated and discussed in our time, it is important that I understand it (as far as possible) and am able to discern false statements. So, with prayer, and with the understanding that I will not see each current world leader as the antichrist, I will spend some time trying to better understand this doctrine.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 26

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer one question each day in January. Here is question twenty six, and my answer.
1.      What's the most important new item you want to buy this year? We want to buy a new mattress for our bed. I know it sounds crazy. However, my wife has been having difficult pain resulting from our mattress. She wakes up with pain throughout her body. The pain is non-existent when we have slept on other mattresses. So, it is important for us to make this purchase so that she can be restored to health.

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 25

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer one question each day in January. Here is question twenty five, and my answer.
1.      What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your commute this year? I actually do not have a long commute. I live two miles and less than five minutes from the church office. However, I do pick up my children from preschool three days a week. That is a 30 minute drive. Sometimes, I listen to the radio and relax. Sometimes, I listen to podcasts of sermons during the drive. However, this year I want to add two things to the mix. First, instead of listening to the radio and zoning, I can redeem that time by praying during my drive down to the preschool. And, I want to engage my children more in conversation after I pick them up from school. We have started to play some car games (“tell me what you see that is the color red”, or my son’s favorite, “the silent game” which I admit I enjoy as well). We can also use that time for my kids to work on their catechism. But, we can also use that time for me to learn about my childrens’ joys and fears. The commute can be a time for me to be fully engaged with God and the kids.

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 24

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer one question each day in January. Here is question twenty four, and my answer.
1.      What single blessing from God do you want to seek most earnestly this year? The blessing I most want to seek is the blessing of peace. Peace is such a rich biblical concept. It conveys the idea of a compatible melding of body, mind, and spirit. Peace conveys the idea of the whole person resting and trusting in the Lord. Paul begins so many of his letters by praying a blessing of grace and peace to those whom he is writing. However, peace is elusive in my life. I can worry, worry, worry about anything and everything. I can spend nights restlessly wondering what’s going to happen. It is important that we be prepared. But, I sometimes go beyond being prepared to worrying rather than trusting and resting in the peace of God. And, it does have an effect on body and mind and spirit. So this year, I want to seek the peace of God and allow His peace to wash over me and comfort me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 23

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer one question each day in January. Here is question twenty three, and my answer.
1.      What skill do you most want to learn or improve this year? The skill I most want to work on is gaining knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. I have taken elementary classes in both language, but I have not retained most of that training. I would like to review and advance in my knowledge of both language in order to be a better pastor. I think if I better understood the syntax and grammar of the biblical texts, I would be better able to teach the Bible. If nothing else, I would have a greater appreciation for the nuances of words and sentence structure. I know, I sound like a theological geek. If the reading glasses fit …