Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy 1:12-17

1 Timothy 1:12-17
Discussion Questions

1)      How does Paul describe his experience with Jesus? How is this comparable to other Scripture in which Paul describes the same experiences?

2)      In what ways does Paul lay out justification by faith in this passage? In what ways does Paul lay out salvation by grace in this passage?

3)      How does Paul’s walk with the Lord contrast with the false teachers, according to what we have already read in the first part of chapter 1?

4)      Paul has, up to this point, been directing Timothy how to handle the false teachers. Why is it important that Paul now pauses to tell his own story?

5)      In the previous passage (verses 8-11), Paul spoke about the law. How does this current passage relate to the previous passage? What is the link between the two passages?

6)      Paul says he acted ignorantly in unbelief (verse 13). Would this describe how all unbelievers act? How so?

7)      In what ways have you walked ignorantly? How did God work through your ignorance or unbelief to make Himself known to you?

8)      How does Paul contrast his character with the character of Jesus?

9)      Why does Paul explain that God has used him for God’s service? Is this how God uses everyone? How so?

10)  In what ways has Christ appointed you to service?

11)  Do you find it easy or difficult to submit to Christ and the service He has called you to? Why or why not? Do you see your story as similar to the story Paul presents here?

12)  Tell how Jesus has changed your life.

13)  What does verse 17 say about Jesus? How do you respond to what the verse says about Jesus?

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