Tuesday, January 24, 2012

31 days, 31 questions, 31 answers - Day 17

I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer one question each day in January. Here is the seventeenth question, and my answer.
1.      What one thing do you most regret about last year, and what will you do about it this year? My biggest regret from the last year is hiding from financial issues and family issues. That is a painful thing to say, but it is true. I avoided dealing with our finances and bills. I did not have the foresight and the vision to plan financially for the future, or to look at our debt. I did not plan ahead and come up with a plan for how we would spend our money. Instead, I made the choice to spend too much money, to eat out without considering the cost, to make purchases without thought. I showed the same neglect with my family. I found ways to avoid and ignore my family instead of engaging with my family. Now last year was a difficult professional year for me, but that should not have been an excuse for ignoring some of these issues. So this year, as has been made clear through the answers to some of these questions, I am fully engaging in finances and family this year. I am making those decisions that I avoided or fled from last year.

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