I read an article by author, professor and theologian Don Whitney that listed 31 questions to consider for a new year. I decided that I will answer each question. Here is the last question, and my answer.
1. In what area of your life do you most need change, and what will you do about it this year? If I am brutally honest, the area that most needs change is my trust and reliance on Jesus. Please do not misunderstand. I do trust in Jesus, and I do rely on Jesus. But, my initial inclination is to trust and rely on myself and my abilities rather than turning first to Him. I see the temporary rather than the eternal. The fact is that during these 31 posts, I have outlined a plan for getting organized and prepared for the future. One of the great benefits of those plans is that I can trust in Jesus more. You see, when my world seems in chaos, I am more likely to seize the reins and try to direct the stagecoach. And I know that I should be able to fully rely on Jesus whether or not my world is in chaos. But, the honest truth is that stability does (for me anyway) lead to more dependence on Him. I also think that establishing these objectives and planning for the future honors Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that He is a God of order rather than chaos. So what can I do to more fully rely on Him. First, clear the clutter in my head, so that I can focus on Him. Second, turn to Him for direction in all things. Finally, trust in a God of Promise, who is unfailingly true to His word and His character. Some struggles over the past five years have made it clear to me that God is in charge even when it seems I cannot see His work. And If He has led through those times, I can trust that He will lead through future “challenges.” So with great earnestness, I place my life, my goals, my family, my all, in the trust and loving care of Jesus.